Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mobile Phones - Past, Present and the Future

I know one can find a lot of material on mobile phones over the internet. But still would like to write a post about them. I will not be giving any facts or figures about the mobile phone evolution but will write about how mobile phones evolved in my family.

In my childhood days, we (as in me and my family) didn't had a single phone with us. My neighbours used to have a fixed landline phone from MTNL. We gave their phone no. to our friends and relatives. Our neighbours got pissed off due to multiple incoming calls for us :).

Then one day we got our very own landline phone from MTNL.

No more disturbance to the neighbours. They were very thankful that we got our own phone :). 

Then my brother got a job and he bought the mobile phone from Motorola. It weighed almost equal to a brick. Please don't take this as a negative comment - Motorola rocked at that time. We all liked talking over that phone but over a period of time the battery and phone both started to perform poorly and we have to get rid of it after some time. 

After that my brother bought a Nokia phone. I don't remember the model no. but it was priced at around Rs. 10000 in the year 2002-03. He lost the phone while riding motorcycle, but the phone was so good that he bought same phone again which fell down in the pot in the loo and got damaged :(. 

Now from 2002-03 to 2012-13, my family has changed so many mobile phones that i don't even remember. 

Today me and my family have around 12-13 phones including both personal and official phones and mobile phones and landline phones. Imagine at one point of time we didn't had even a single phone with us and now we have 12-13 phones ranging from Samsung Galaxy S3, Iphone 3G S to Blackberry to Nokia to the very low end phones priced from Rs 1000 to Rs 2000 from Samsung and Nokia. See how time changes. How lifestyle changes. How needs changes. How quickly technology changes. 

Earlier mobile phones were as heavy as bricks. Today they are as light as feather.

Earlier mobile phones were as slow as tortoise. Today they are as fast as lightning.

Earlier mobile phones were just used for making phone calls and sending SMS. Today they can do what a laptop, computers etc. can do.

Earlier mobile phones were black and white. Today they come with HD, OLED, AMOLED, Retina Display, Flexible screens and what not.

Earlier people used to by music player, cameras separately.  Now everything is bundled into a mobile phone or as they call them now a days - "Smart Phones".

Earlier no one cared about the processing power or RAM of mobile phones. Today they come with Quadcore snapdragon processors, 2GB RAM etc.

Earlier mobile phones cannot store more than 1000 contacts, 500 SMS. Today they can store 64GB of data. 

 Enough of the comparison now, its endless. But one thing is sure - future of mobile phone technology hold great surprises. AppleSamsungNokiaBlackberryHTC, Ubuntu - all are coming up with some exciting new devices. We just need to wait and watch. 

P.S. I deliberately didn't posted any images of latest smart phones :p

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